On the cards below you can see all the software that I can use, along with how capable I think I am. Just hover over a card for more information about how and when I have used that software.
I have used AutoCAD in several projects to create 2D engineering drawings. I can quickly and efficiently create drawings of designs and dimension them to BS 8888.
I can create complex 3D models and assemblies in Creo. I also have some experience with FEA simulation.
I am fairly familiar with Solidworks, and have used it for 3D modelling and designing in the past. It wouldn't take long for me to pick it up again.
I learnt SpaceClaim during my first year of Uni. Some of my projects have been made using it, and I know it fairly well, but I am more capable with other CAD packages.
I have lots of experience in using KeyShot. Almost all of the renders in my portfolio were created using KeyShot.
I am very confident at using blender. I have been using it for years as a hobby, and have recently been using it to make product animations as well.
I often use SketchUp as a fast way of prototyping ideas and figuring out dimensions before taking the project to more advanced software.
I have used the NX 11 CAD package during work placement, however this consisted mainly of navigation and rendering.
I am proficient at using Photoshop. I often use it to touch up renders and photos, or edit pictures together.
I have used Illustrator as part of my course to create product mock-ups. I am not hugely confident with it, but will get better with time.
I use InDesign to create all of my product posters. I know how to use the software confidently and can make really nice pages.
I have used the Adobe Video Editing Suite a lot for many different projects. I am proficient in editing with them, and can quickly create anything
I am proficient at Word & PowerPoint, and know Excel well. I also have experience in using Microsoft Project.
I have lots of experience using Google Workspace (formerly G-Suite). I use it to organise my day to day life and for Uni work as well.
I have been learning HTML, CSS & JavaScript while creating this website. I used bootstrap studio to help design and develop the website.
I can record and create music in Cubase, and know how to use Roli Studio and Komplete.
I am capable and efficient and can learn new software quickly. Don't worry if I don't already know the software that you may use - I will pick it up in no time.